Home delivery

Get your foreign currencies delivered at your doorstep in 48-72 hours, right before you travel! For only 19.90€ you can enjoy our home delivery service, anywhere you are in France. It's quick and easy!

We will continue to ensure our home delivery service throughout the Olympics.


Delivery man giving a parcel
Buy-Back Guarantee

Buy-Back Guarantee

With a currency Buy-Back Guarantee we'll buy back your leftover currency at the same rate and 0% commission. For only 6.95 euros


Travel SIM card/eSIM

ChangeGroup and TravelSim make international connectivity easy! With our prepaid SIM and eSIM cards, you can stay connected around the world without the need for complicated setups or identity verification. Enjoy a smooth travel experience with reliable service at every step of your journey.

A man with a suitcase smiling at his phone
Tax Free Refunds

Tax Free Refunds

Make your purchases abroad, ask for your tax-free receipt and recover the VAT.