Tax Free Refund with ChangeGroup
If you are travelling to France and normally reside outside of the EU, tax-free shopping allows you to make additional savings on your purchases. Here's how to reclaim your refund.

1. Shop Claim a VAT Voucher
Shop at any store that offers tax-free shopping. ChangeGroup partners with Global Blue, the leading VAT refund company in France, and others that work with most of the world’s leading brands. Remember to ask for a VAT voucher at every store you shop at and keep this along with your normal receipt. Complete the personal details requested in the voucher and then visit a ChangeGroup refund point.
2. Visit ChangeGroup
We can process VAT shopping vouchers issued anywhere in France and can give you an immediate VAT cash refund in your chosen currency or on your credit your card for immediate use. Visit us at the locations below;
ChangeGroup, 150 Avenue Champs-Elysées, Paris 8
ChangeGroup, Gare SNCF Lille Europe
Lille ChangeGroup
80 rue de Provence
Paris 9 ChangeGroup
50 Rue de la Chaussée d’Antin
Paris 9 ChangeGroup
49 Avenue de l’Opéra
Please remember to bring along your passport as well as a credit card in your name, valid for 6 months. You should leave the EU within 21 days from the date you receive the cash refund.

3. VAT refund at departure
Finally, when you fly out of France/ EU, you will need to show your goods and get a customs stamp on your VAT vouchers, or drop your vouchers into a designated customs box at the port of departure, to complete the early VAT refund procedure. Please speak to a member of our team at the refund point for more details about the specific procedures at your port of departure. If you have any further inquiries, please call either of our two refund shops, accessible at the links above.