ChangeGroup Affiliate Program.

Become our partner and earn additional income.

Our affiliate program is open to all websites and services that are in a similar sector of activity to ChangeGroup, finance, travel and foreign currencies. If your audience is interested in travel and therefore in need of foreign currency, we want to work with you! 


About our program

Our affiliate program is open to all websites and services that are in a similar sector of activity to ChangeGroup, finance, travel and foreign currencies. If your audience is interested in travel and therefore in need of foreign currency, we want to work with you!

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Our business model

We offer a commission-based compensation model, where you earn 1% of the total order value. An average foreign currency order is €500 x 1%, which means that for every successful transaction you earn €5. 

We work with a Partnerize platform to ensure transparency of transactions, access to real-time reports and regular, automated payments.


Our business model

How Does it Work?

  1. Create your account

Sign up to our program via the Partnerize platform and create your account. 

  1. Join ChangeGroup campaign

Once logged into your Partnerize account, go to Campaigns and request to join ChangeGroup in a desired country. 

  1. Get approved

We will review your application and validate it by activating your account.Once approved, you’ll get a notification email.

  1. Get access to promotional assets.

Login to your Partnerize account to access your unique traffic tracking link as well as creative assets, necessary to promote ChangeGroup.

  1. Promote us.

Choose where and how you want to promote ChangeGroup on your website and start earning money!  Need additional, specific creatives? Contact us:

  1. Get paid.

At the beginning of each month you will receive an automatic payment to your bank account.

                            Apply Now

Why become a ChangeGroup affiliate?


  • World leader in currency exchange with over 45 million transactions since 1992
  • Major international brand seen by more than 400 million people each year.
  • High online conversion rate and an average transaction value of 500€
  • No limit on sales

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Other ideas for a partnership?

If you have other ideas on how we can work together, please contact us at We are open to your suggestions!

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